+234 903 000 2362   [email protected]

Call for Application: Training of Victims/Survivors

Devatop Centre for Africa Development will be providing skills training for victims/survivors of Trafficking in persons (TIP), as well as individuals who are identified as being vulnerable to trafficking. This activity aligns with the overall objective of countering Trafficking in Persons in Nigeria. 

The TALKAM Against Trafficking in Persons (TATIP) project is supported by Palladium and funded by USAID under the Strengthening Civic Advocacy and Local Engagement (SCALE) Program.

Skills areas to be supported under this activity:

  1. Fashion and design
  2. Hairdressing, and
  3. Barbing

Eligibility Requirements

  1.  Must be a survivor/victim of trafficking; or
  2. A vulnerable person in the community

General Criteria

  1. Motivation
  2. Ability to invest time and potential resources in training and starting a new business.
  3. Ability to take up wage employment in an industrial or commercial setting.
  4. Prior knowledge and experience.
  5. Poverty (persons from the endemic communities)



Deadline: 16/06/2023