What Your Donation Can Do?

Thank you for your interest to support our projects in Nigeria.
DEVATOP is the leading youth-driven anti-human trafficking organization in Nigeria. We are thankful for the support we receive from individuals around the world who care about the fight against human trafficking. Gifts of any size are tax deductible and help us fulfill our mission to prevent and combat human trafficking, gender based violence, violence against children and irregular migration. DEVATOP also supports survivors and indigent at-risk youth.
DEVATOP has already impacted over a million community members through training, advocacy, community projects, sensitization and assistance.
Your donations will enable us to:
- Train 500 local community volunteers as anti human trafficking advocates, empowering them with resources to sensitize vulnerable women, children and youth in 100 communities, in addition to monitoring and reporting instances of human trafficking.
- Educate over two million young people through our social media campaign in human trafficking and other human rights abuses.
- Expand the impact TALKAM – our human rights ICT tool (www.talkam.org) and sustaining our weekly radio programs. TALKAM is a technology tool that offers a variety of information and data on human trafficking and human rights for community members, organizations, development experts, human rights activists, law enforcement agents, and government agencies
- Support those at risk for human trafficking and human trafficking survivors through education, literacy, vocational training and career advancement.
- Conduct research on new trends of human trafficking
- Build and sustain the capacity of our team.
You may choose to provide a one time donation or a sustainable monthly, quarterly, or annual donation.
You can donate with international card from your country.
Donate here: https://www.devatop.org/make-a-donation/