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The Pursuit for a Sextortion Free Nigeria

By Ebiowo Levi


Sextortion is a heinous crime that has unfortunately become all too common in Nigeria. This crime involves the use of sexual images or videos to extort money, services or other benefits from individuals. It can have severe consequences for the victims, including loss of reputation, emotional distress, and financial ruin. The pursuit for a sextortion-free Nigeria is therefore an urgent matter that requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders.

Unfortunately, the current methods of handling sextortion in Nigeria have failed to effectively curb the practice. One of the reasons for this failure is the lack of an adequate legal framework to prosecute offenders. While sextortion is a criminal offence, there are no specific laws that address the issue. This makes it difficult for law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute offenders. In addition, there is a lack of awareness and education among the general public about the dangers of sextortion, making it easier for perpetrators to carry out their activities.

Another factor contributing to the failure of current methods is the use of technology to perpetrate sextortion. With the widespread availability of smartphones and other digital devices, sextortion has become much easier to carry out. Perpetrators can easily use social media, messaging apps, and other online platforms to coerce their victims. Law enforcement agencies often lack the technical expertise and resources to effectively combat this trend.

Furthermore, there is a culture of victim-blaming in Nigeria that often results in underreporting of sextortion cases. Victims are often afraid to come forward due to fear of stigma and shame. The lack of support from the community and law enforcement agencies only exacerbates the problem. In some cases, victims are even blackmailed into paying more money to prevent their images or videos from being released.

To effectively combat sextortion in Nigeria, a multi-pronged approach is needed. Firstly, there is a need for the development of a comprehensive legal framework that specifically addresses sextortion. This would make it easier for law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute offenders. Secondly, there is a need for greater public education and awareness about the dangers of sextortion. This can be done through campaigns, workshops and other forms of advocacy. Thirdly, law enforcement agencies need to be equipped with the necessary technical expertise and resources to combat sextortion effectively. This includes training in digital forensics and cybercrime investigation.

Finally, there is a need for greater support for victims of sextortion. This includes the provision of counselling and other forms of support to help them overcome the trauma of the experience. It also involves creating a safe environment where victims can come forward without fear of stigma or shame.

In conclusion, the pursuit for a sextortion-free Nigeria is a crucial goal that requires the concerted effort of all stakeholders. The failure of current methods to combat this trend underscores the need for a comprehensive approach that addresses the legal, social, and technological dimensions of the problem. With the right policies, education, and resources in place, Nigeria can successfully combat sextortion and create a safer environment for its citizens.